Originally posted by Lyle Waldman:
Should the player be allowed to pile count again to verify that his deck now contains 60 cards as it is supposed to before presenting?
There was an exhaustively long thread on the Dallas/Fort Worth Magic Players Facebook page about these kinds of questions; my answer here will be the same as it was to the DFW players.
Approximate answer to DFW thread: You're overthinking it. The point of this shift in policy is to reduce and limit the number of unreasonable and unnecessary pile counts in tournaments. Encountering an error while pile counting sounds like a perfectly reasonable reason to recount, though, so, by all means, count again!
Players then asked whether they should call a judge to inform them that a recount is pending. I advised local players that this was unnecessary, and that informing one's opponent of the recount and the reason for it was perfectly fine. We're trying to save tournament time, not slow it down further by adding a judge call to the mix.
I did add the caveat that, if a player found him- or herself “needing a recount” too often (disguising that he or she really just doesn't want to break an old habit), he or she should expect that a talk with a judge about knocking that off would be on the horizon!