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Competitive REL » Post: Sideboard card becoming revealed at same time for both players

Sideboard card becoming revealed at same time for both players

Jan. 30, 2017 07:05:44 PM

Lachlan Saunders
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Academy))

Australia and New Zealand

Sideboard card becoming revealed at same time for both players

With the new update to DDLP there exists a strange scenario whereby a sideboard card can become revealed to both players at the same time (e.g. Goblin Guide attacking, a Clash card being played).
The policy specifies that "(or is about to see it)“ however I feel like this is to prevent advantage gained by being tight-lipped until the game (a discard spell etc) forces the player committing the infraction to reveal it.
This also brings up the question of a discovery made during a ”Mindslaver" turn.

Basically I think there needs to be clarification regarding an instance where a player with a sideboard card discovers it but this also comes at the same time as an opponent would see it.

Jan. 30, 2017 11:08:30 PM

Scott Marshall
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 4 (Judge Foundry)), Hall of Fame

USA - Southwest

Sideboard card becoming revealed at same time for both players

Thank you for the insight, Lachlan; I'll make sure the Policy team sees and considers your input!
