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Tournament Operations » Post: WER problem

WER problem

March 5, 2017 12:30:32 AM

Tomasz Ludkiewicz
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program)), Tournament Organizer

Europe - Central

WER problem

I don't know if it is the right forum. I've got a problem with my WER “Current WER Version:”, so it is the latest version, but still in penalities I don't have HCE infraction. Does anybody have an advice for me?

March 5, 2017 03:38:24 AM

Markus Dietrich
Judge (Level 1 (International Judge Program))

German-speaking countries

WER problem

Yeah, it is a long known problem, that the infratctions are not up to date. You still have DEC and I just report HCEs as DECs and with a good discription it shoud be easy to see what is meant. Until a future update of WER, where this surely is corrected…