A player offers an incentive to entice an opponent into conceding, drawing, or changing the results of a match, or accepts such an offer. Refer to section 5.2 of the Magic Tournament Rules for a more detailed description of what constitutes bribery.
The decision to drop, concede, or agree to an intentional draw cannot be made in exchange for or influenced by the offer of any reward or incentive, nor may any in-game decision be influenced in this manner. Making such an offer is prohibited. Unless the player receiving such an offer calls for a judge immediately, both players will be penalized in the same manner. Players may not make any offers to tournament officials in an attempt to influence the outcome of a ruling.(emphasis mine)
Edited Alexey Chernyshov (March 22, 2017 08:53:54 AM)
Originally posted by Bernie Hoelschen:
I think
Originally posted by Federico Verdini:Bernie, Federico, I'm sure you have the best intentions, but - when a judge asks a question like this, one that clearly needs an ‘O’fficial answer, please don't tell the whole community what you think. (Nothing personal, I'm just using your posts as examples for everyone's benefit.) Posting an opinion on a clear-cut question only increases the “signal-to-noise ratio” for several thousand other judges, esp. those searching the archives at a later date…
I think
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