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My view on... Grand Prix events in 2018

March 23, 2017 11:40:21 AM

Riccardo Tessitori
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program))

Italy and Malta

My view on... Grand Prix events in 2018

Hello to everybody,
I would like to introduce to you a new series, called “My view on…”.

Today, we are going to speak about GPs in 2018.
I hope it will be a useful read for your future tournaments and for you in general.

Comments, feedback, requests (about the specific article or about the blog in general) are very welcome :)


March 23, 2017 05:16:41 PM

Jeffry Solano
Judge (Level 1 (International Judge Program))

Latin America

My view on... Grand Prix events in 2018

Well, I really appreciate your article, I can say that you mentioned there a few fears that are spawning in our circle, but I really like the fact that if I want more opportunities I have to work harder, and is exactly what I’m going to do.
Regarding 2018, I have plenty of time to prepare myself and also if we still don’t know what is going to happen there is only one thing that we can do… Wait for it

March 24, 2017 03:58:56 AM

Michiel Van den Bussche
Judge (Uncertified)


My view on... Grand Prix events in 2018

As usual, a great article to read. The one from the PC's was quite vague but yours goes in depth and took some of my worries away, so I would like to thank you for that. It's an interesting development that indeed has some opportunities, but also some threats. Time will tell…