I would like to have confirmation regarding pairing players that sign up late for a tournament. This is an issue that have been discussed in the past (
here), and the conclusion from Andy Heckt (2014) was that it was an illegal practice. Since I saw that, I have been trying to be consistent with it. But I also have seen this kind of practice in many tournaments, both at local stores and at GPs side events. I had a discussion with some judges at one of my last GPs about this and they had pretty good arguments to allow this kind of management. I will try to summarize the discussion (I'll also be quoting opinions from the old discussion):
Pros- Provides a better customer service, because players want to play the event.
- Is not a big deal at Regular REL, where players are there to play and have fun.
- Sometimes (specially at big events) there is a time lapse between the end of signs ups and the beginning of the tournament. This method allows players that arrive in this lapse to play without penalties.
- Andrew's statement is pretty old, and tournaments have done this for years without being an issue.
Cons- Provides questionable customer service.
- Gives poor player training.
- Allows savvy players and unscrupulous TOs to take advantage of the loophole.
- Creates weird situations if, after a couple arrives late, another player does.
Although on a personal level, I believe the pros are stronger than the cons (at least at Regular REL), I believe that providing inconsistent rules to the players is pretty complicated. Therefore, I would like to know:
1- Is Andrew's statement still an official policiy?
2- If the answer is yes, is this something we, as judges, need to enforce?
Thanks beforehand for your responses!
Edited Joaquín Ossandón (May 2, 2017 10:18:27 AM)