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Tournament Operations » Post: Possible Tournament Frauds

Possible Tournament Frauds

May 10, 2017 07:16:08 PM

Bryon Boyes
Judge (Uncertified)

Canada - Western Provinces

Possible Tournament Frauds

Hey guys. I'm a fairly new judge and don't know all the ins and outs of using the Wizards event software and what not. Nor am I particularly familiar with Wizards event policy.

However I have read the MTR and sanctioning rules.

I have a concern about the local shop I judge at. Here's a list of my concerns if anyone in the know could give me a heads up on where to go from here that would be great.

1) I've noticed on occasion I've received Planeswalker points for events I was not at or just didn't play in. These were logged as casual events - 1 pt each.

2) The kid who works at the shop now has byes for a GP…but he didn't leave town to play any events and we are the only shop in town and he never plays online.

3) Byes are being awarded even when we don't have 8 players for an event.

Now I'm not sure if anything untoward is happening but it seems to be shifty to me when someone has byes for a GP without an event running…

Thanks for you help!

May 10, 2017 07:23:29 PM

Dan Collins
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry)), Scorekeeper

USA - Northeast

Possible Tournament Frauds

The correct place to report suspected tournament fraud is