Dear friends,
I would like to invite you all to the international
Magic Judge Discord!
What is that, you ask? Let me explain…
Discord is a great tool to communicate with a specified group of people via text or voice chat. It's kind of a mix of Skype, Teamspeak and IRC, combined in one light-weight application, running natively on all major computing platforms AND in your web browser. For those of you who know Slack, it’s similar but better ;) I don't want to go into too much technical detail in this mail, but further information about Discord can be found
In the German-speaking-countries, we've been using Discord for a few months now as a tool for daily discussions about judgey stuff, but also for fun talk, to connect and strengthen the community and grow together even though we live hundreds of kilometres apart from each other. In addition, we have started to do special activities like AMAs and monthly judge meetings in the voice chat to amplify that effect even more.
The international
Magic Judge Discord is our attempt to get the same positive effect described above, but worldwide. I invite you to join this new international judge Discord server and have a look for yourself. Just click and follow the instructions. We already have a bunch of RCs and L3s signed up, and we can't wait for you all to join. Hope to see you all there!
Stefan Ladstaetter
RC German-speaking countries
Edited Stefan Ladstätter-Thaa (May 19, 2017 04:48:45 AM)