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Incorrect Level on Judge Apps, don't know how to fix it

May 29, 2017 04:10:46 AM

Nicolau Maldonado
Judge (Uncertified)


Incorrect Level on Judge Apps, don't know how to fix it

I have certified a judge on March the 4th. There probably was some problem when importing data from Judge Center, because for a while the judge name on the review was “unknown”, but now its correct. However, his judge level is still 0, despite the advancement review.

I'm aware the “unknown” thing is a known issue, but what about the incorrect level?
Who should I contact regarding this? It used to be Brian Schenk, I'm not sure if its still him.

Thank you.

May 29, 2017 04:22:06 AM

Dan Collins
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry)), Scorekeeper

USA - Northeast

Incorrect Level on Judge Apps, don't know how to fix it

If they are still L0 on Apps, it is because when you certified them, you forgot to update their level here on JudgeApps.

Because advancement reviews are now on JudgeApps, it is no longer possible for normal users to simply change a user's level, you must submit an advancement review.

I can think of two ways to fix this:
  • Submit a new advancement review of the user, using the same exam ID and score. Set “New Level” to 1, and “Successful Interview” to Yes. In the text of the review, note that you are re-entering the review because their level was not updated the first time. You should also include a link to the original review. Once you save and submit the review, the user will be leveled up.
  • Alternately, you may contact your Regional Coordinator. RCs have the ability to change users' levels at will to help with exactly this situation.

May 29, 2017 11:05:13 PM

Nicolau Maldonado
Judge (Uncertified)


Incorrect Level on Judge Apps, don't know how to fix it

I think they didn't had an account when I first certified them. Probably thought when they created one it would import their level as “1”, or maybe I indeed forgot it. Nevertheless, thanks Dan, I'll probably forward this to my RC.