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Team sealed event - Preparation

May 29, 2017 07:25:08 PM

Sonia L'hopital
Judge (Uncertified)

Australia and New Zealand

Team sealed event - Preparation

Hi guys,

I'm going to be the head judge of a comp team sealed event soon and I'm starting to think about the organisation of this type of event. I've already read some reports about it but I still need to work on the topic.

Is there any document that you know about the organisation of a team sealed?

Many thanks in advance.

May 29, 2017 08:25:07 PM

Aruna Prem Bianzino
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program))


Team sealed event - Preparation

Hi Sonia!

I just judged a team trio event up to now, it was GP Rotterdam last yeas, sealed.
I really liked it and learned a lot of thinks! Here some notes I wrote down about what I learnt on that weekend:

-Sideboard cards are assigned to players and not shared in the team
-Players have an assigned seat (A, B, C) and play against players of the opponent team that are assigned to the same seat
-Team members can communicate freely among them, as far as they do not leave the table and as far as this is not affecting the playing time in a significant fashion
-Extra time is assigned to matches and not to teams (there is a single entry slip for each table, so be clear there on which match is the extra time assigned to)
-Also penalties are reported in a different way (talk to the SK about that, at GP Rotterdam it was <Table number/team number/player(A, B, C)/ judge name / infraction /penalty / description>
-There is no rating for percentage of win matches, as such results are only reported as 1-0, 0-1, or 0-0
-For the deck registration, each team receives 4 lists (with different colors), one for the whole pool and one for the deck and sideboard of each player
-Seating players in an L shape for deck registration may be of help, or you can allow a player of each team to switch their seat with one of the team seated in front, for deck registration.
-You should have a table number per team pair and not per player pair (check with the used reporting SW)

I hope this is of help ;)
Kind regards,


May 31, 2017 08:08:32 PM

Sonia L'hopital
Judge (Uncertified)

Australia and New Zealand

Team sealed event - Preparation

Thank you Aruna! It helps a lot.

Can you plz confirm the time per round is 55 min?

And do you know if there is a top 8 or top 4 and how do it is organised? Should we organise a draft (so 3 drafts)? Or we make them play with the decks they had at the start of the day?

If the pool is already registered, is it necessary to sit them in L for the construction?

Cheers ;)

May 31, 2017 08:24:53 PM

Aruna Prem Bianzino
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program))


Team sealed event - Preparation

As I said, this was at a GP (Rotterdam 2016), so this may not be strict for your event, but in that case:
-rounds were of 50 min
-there was a Top4, where each match was a team draft (a team draft for each semi-final and a team draft for the final)
There is also a fact sheet here, with these and more info, including details on the Top4:

Top 4: Team Booster Draft (3 Kaladesh boosters)

Team members draft at the same draft table with one opposing team (6 total players per draft table). Team members will be seated at the draft table in exactly the following order:
Team 1, Player A
Team 2, Player C
Team 1, Player B
Team 2, Player A
Team 1, Player C
Team 2, Player B
No communication (verbal or non-verbal) is permitted between team members during the draft.
After the draft, team members will be located to separate tables to record their draft pools (15 minutes for draft pool registration and verification). After draft pool registration, team members will sit together for deck building (30 minutes for deck building).
Each team member will play the opposing team member with the same player designation (A, B, or C).
After the semifinals, the Top 2 teams will draft again using the procedure described above.
Decklists are required

The L shape is not compulsory, I just think it helps the teams in the construction (not in the registration), as team members are closer to each other and their communication is easier.

May 31, 2017 10:38:55 PM

Thomas Ralph
Judge (Level 3 (UK Magic Officials)), Scorekeeper

United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa

Team sealed event - Preparation

I don't think that Team Booster Draft is yet a sanctionable format (it isn't in the MTR), so technically it can only be run with permission from Wizards.

May 31, 2017 11:18:28 PM

Dominik Chłobowski
Judge (Uncertified)

Canada - Eastern Provinces

Team sealed event - Preparation

MTR 8.5 describes Team Draft.

2017-05-31 6:44 GMT-04:00 Thomas Ralph <

June 1, 2017 12:22:21 AM

Thomas Ralph
Judge (Level 3 (UK Magic Officials)), Scorekeeper

United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa

Team sealed event - Preparation

Yes, MTR 8.5 describes Team Rochester Draft, the sanctionable format. The Team Booster Draft format described in the OP is not a sanctionable format at this time.

June 1, 2017 12:38:00 AM

Dominik Chłobowski
Judge (Uncertified)

Canada - Eastern Provinces

Team sealed event - Preparation

Oops. You are correct. Shows how well I read Aruna's post.

2017-05-31 8:28 GMT-04:00 Thomas Ralph <

June 3, 2017 02:32:26 AM

Aruna Prem Bianzino
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program))


Team sealed event - Preparation

This may be of interest as well: (what a timing!! :)