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Un-official Announcements » Post: New Notification Types for Event Admins

New Notification Types for Event Admins

June 23, 2017 03:11:57 PM

Dan Collins
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry)), Scorekeeper

USA - Northeast

New Notification Types for Event Admins


In response to some user requests, we've added Notifications to JudgeApps for three items related to Events. As an Admin of an Event, you can now choose whether you want to receive notifications for:

  • Whenever a user applies to your events
  • Whenever anyone comments on an application to your events
  • Whenever anyone comments on an application that you have previously commented on

(The last two are complementary - you can enable either one, or both. If you enable both, you'll still only get one notification per comment.)

While these are a very common request from small TOs - people who only visit JudgeApps occasionally and don't want to miss anything - we can imagine that someone organizing a GP or PT would easily be overwhelmed. So, as with all notifications, you can disable them by visiting

On that page, you can choose to receive notifications on site only, by email only, both, or neither.

As always, if you have any bug reports or feature requests for us, please submit them at

Dan Collins