Edited David Rockwood (July 11, 2017 05:26:28 AM)
Originally posted by Adi Jian:
I'm considering doing that to constructed tournaments as well. The 3 rounds solution sounds a bit risky because tiebreakers are harsh, but if we lower the prices to 3 first place can win up to 2 packs and won't be too hungry for prizes.
Originally posted by Adi Jian:Sorry I might of not made that clear. The 3 round thing works if you payout to record not place and don't worry about place thus don't worry about tiebreakers. This is a very basic example. You have an entry fee of $5 with 1.5 packs per player in the prize pool you have 10 players show up at the end of the 3 rounds you have 2 9 pointers and 3 2-1's with winning records. You have 15 packs to work with, so give each 2-1 2 packs, each 3-0 4 packs, and since you've got an extra pack sitting there randomly give it to one of the other 5 players.
I'm considering doing that to constructed tournaments as well. The 3 rounds solution sounds a bit risky because tiebreakers are harsh, but if we lower the prices to 3 first place can win up to 2 packs and won't be too hungry for prizes.
Originally posted by Adi Jian:Our LGS tripled its FNM attendance since it removed most of the booster pack prizes and went to a free to play model. Competitive players are a minority of the Magic community. Appealing to the casual crowd have the potentail to attract far more people.
On the other hand, no prizes - less people that come to these events.
Originally posted by Jonas Eriksson:
As a Judge I don't think you can really do much, but if you are a store owner or have good relations with him you might look into diversifying.
My LGS goes with low prices on limited (basically 1 booster/player) and free to play Standard. Then have a decent payout for eternal(not played as often). We had a lot of problems before with the clash of the crowds, but to a lesser degree now, since the more “serious” guys usually invest their bucks into eternal formats they usually show up with a budget build to Standard.
EDH is only rewarded through FNM. He usually tries to get some fun offsite events happening, BBQ and Conspiracy drafts coming up.
Through networking with other hobbies they usually hold some mini-convents where he over two days usually hold something like FNM, one Legacy tournament, one EDH tournament and Trios Sealed Deck(That people from all levels usually participate in).
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