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Magic judge articles 2018 update

Aug. 3, 2018 07:01:02 AM

Riccardo Tessitori
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program))

Italy and Malta

Magic judge articles 2018 update

Hello judges,
Today I would like to inform you about a project that will take place in the last four months of 2018, and that will need a good amount of help.
In several occasions, we have been informed that there are articles online that contain obsolete information, even on the MagicJudges blogs.
Then, we have been asked to make an effort to adjust our articles to make them more inclusive, with the change from “he or she” to “they” that Wizards recently applied to the Magic cards.
Then, we felt a few times in the last years that it would have been useful to have a kind of repository / directory / list of links to articles, so that any judge could easily access the very wide amount of training materials for any of the topics that they may want to study.
Indeed, these three goals seems well connected, so we thought combining them into a single effort.

The project is therefore an UPDATE to many of the judge articles (and categorize / tag them), starting from the MagicJudge blogs.

It’s a project that require a quite high workload, but fortunately it’s a series of activity that can be easily shared among a high number of people (100 articles + 100 judges = 1 article per judge = EASY and FAST!).
In addition to giving a contribution to a better judge program, this may be an opportunity to study some topics, to join an international project, to increase your visibility.
There is no minimum or maximum time that you must dedicate to this project; even one hour every couple of weeks is indeed a good contribution.
The only requirement is the ability of communicating in English, as our efforts will be dedicated to only articles written in English (we can later expand to other languages, within dedicated teams).
If you are interested in joining this *Magic judge articles 2018 update* project, please reply to this message or send me a private message.

Approximate times of operations:
August 15th: creation of the project in JudgeApps and beginning of the organization of the single tasks
September 1st: start of article tagging / review
December 1st: all needed changes are forwarded to the “Social Media” sphere, for update
December 31st: update completed


Aug. 3, 2018 07:08:45 AM

Eser Unger
Judge (Uncertified)

German-speaking countries

Magic judge articles 2018 update


I would love to help with this!
It is important to adjust language so everybody feels welcomed and also learning about things one might would not look at sounds very good too!

You can count on me with this!


Aug. 3, 2018 08:38:01 PM

Tyrone Phillips
Judge (Uncertified)

Australia and New Zealand

Magic judge articles 2018 update

I'm very interested in helping out. I've written articles before, but not on magic, and I'd love to help update some of the older stuff.

I was looking for articles on 2hg just before Battlebond came out and one of the first results was one from Zendikar, which I read about half of before realising it was almost completely obsolete. Back then, -3ing a Sorin Markov on a team with 30 life only took them down to 25!

Aug. 4, 2018 09:09:15 AM

Nicholas Keith Seah
Judge (Uncertified)


Magic judge articles 2018 update

I will love to help you out too! Count me in!

Aug. 4, 2018 09:59:09 AM

Christian Genz
Judge (Level 2 (UK Magic Officials)), Scorekeeper

United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa

Magic judge articles 2018 update

I'd happily join in as well.

Aug. 4, 2018 05:29:06 PM

Herbert Zurita
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program)), Regional Representative (Latin America), IJP Temporary Regional Advisor

Latin America

Magic judge articles 2018 update

I would also love to help, I'm in!
I have noticed that there is some stuff outdated, so I'd gladly help :)