Originally posted by From the MTR 3.3. Authorized cards::
Players may use any Authorized Game Cards from Magic: The Gathering expansions, core sets, special sets,
supplements, and promotional printings. Authorized Game Cards are cards that, unaltered, meet the following
• The card is genuine and published by Wizards of the Coast
• The card has a standard Magic back, is a double-faced card, or is a card that is part of a meld pair.
• The card does not have squared corners.
• The card is not a token card.
• The card is not damaged or modified in a way that might make it marked.
• The card is otherwise legal for the tournament as defined by the format.
The Head Judge of a tournament may issue a proxy (see section 3.4) for a card that has become worn or damaged
during the tournament. Any other cards that are not Authorized Game Cards are prohibited in all sanctioned
Edited Lars Harald Nordli (Aug. 31, 2018 11:24:51 PM)
Originally posted by Markus Beschoner:Markus, I appreciate that you're thinking about the philosophy, and try to figure out why we would like to enforce a rule when you describe it as a “victimless crime”.
a) let them do it, as nobody is hurt.
Originally posted by Iván R. Molia:
hahahahaha, i dont use mountains and forest… i use fire and leaf energys XD
Edited Winter (Sept. 8, 2018 01:14:46 AM)
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