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Grand Prix Head Judge Winter 2019 Candidate Presentation

Oct. 9, 2018 04:46:49 AM

Kevin Desprez
Forum Moderator
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper


Grand Prix Head Judge Winter 2019 Candidate Presentation


After the GPHJ 2018 Summer Class selection, we received as feedback that the list of candidates should be made public so that anyone who would feel that a particular candidate should not be eligible to an advanced role has ample time to contact the JCC before results are announced.

Any constructive feedback is appreciated, therefore we have made the decision to implement this suggestion. Therefore, the list of candidates for this wave is:
Nicola DiPasquale
Shawn Doherty
Adrian Estoup
Eliana Rabinowitz
Luca Romano
Eric Smith
André Tepedino
Yu Win Yew

Please note that private messages or emails offering subjective arguments of the quality of a particular candidate will not be taken into account. The JCC is the only entity that should be contacted.

Thank you.

Kevin Desprez, GPHJ Lead.