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Competitive REL » Post: forgetting riot: default action or GRV?

forgetting riot: default action or GRV?

Jan. 17, 2019 02:59:18 PM [Original Post]

Kenji Suzuki
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program))


forgetting riot: default action or GRV?

Hello, I want confirmation about riot.

Player A played a creature with riot. Said nothing and no counter was placed. Then, said go.

Then he realized he forgot riot. Judge is called. He actually wanted to put counter.

From riot text it seems haste is default action so we assume it has haste? Or, GRV and ask to make choice?

Jan. 25, 2019 04:25:05 PM [Marked as Accepted Answer]

Scott Marshall
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 4 (Judge Foundry)), Hall of Fame

USA - Southwest

forgetting riot: default action or GRV?

If you don't put a counter on it (a clear, physical representation of that choice), then it has Haste.

Of course, if he hasn't done anything else yet, and if he realized quickly enough, we may determine that he wasn't done putting the counter on there - but this gets “squishy”. (I wonder if I could get that term added to the IPG? MTR? :D )

In general, this will be "Burning-Tree Vandal, go … no, wait, it gets a counter" - and we'll have to investigate just a little to see if this falls into the realm of MTR 4.8, Reversing Decisions (take-backs, informally). If so, fine, add the counter, move along, no harm done; if not, then that Vandal has Haste (and is wondering what good that does him…)


Jan. 17, 2019 03:22:35 PM

John Brian McCarthy
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Midatlantic

forgetting riot: default action or GRV?

Hey, Kenji - I'm going to lock this until Toby's post and/or the CR update come out next week. I'll unlock this thread once more official documentation on this set comes out.

Jan. 25, 2019 04:25:05 PM [Marked as Accepted Answer]

Scott Marshall
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 4 (Judge Foundry)), Hall of Fame

USA - Southwest

forgetting riot: default action or GRV?

If you don't put a counter on it (a clear, physical representation of that choice), then it has Haste.

Of course, if he hasn't done anything else yet, and if he realized quickly enough, we may determine that he wasn't done putting the counter on there - but this gets “squishy”. (I wonder if I could get that term added to the IPG? MTR? :D )

In general, this will be "Burning-Tree Vandal, go … no, wait, it gets a counter" - and we'll have to investigate just a little to see if this falls into the realm of MTR 4.8, Reversing Decisions (take-backs, informally). If so, fine, add the counter, move along, no harm done; if not, then that Vandal has Haste (and is wondering what good that does him…)
