Premier Events and TO discretion (O request)
The TO's WPN contact will be the source of the ‘O’ answer.
Note that, for Grand Prix events, online decklist submission ends at 9:00am on the Saturday of the GP, although many lists are submitted earlier. This is a reasonable precedent to follow - and, because players will be accustomed to submitting paper lists in person, as well as some who know about that 9am deadline for GPs, it would not be good customer service to impose a deadline of the night before. It would be harsh to penalize players (Tardiness, Game Loss) who didn't realize they needed to submit, electronically, the night before - especially if they've never experienced that policy before. Further, (almost?) every GP has seen players submit online, then want to submit a more current list by 9am (or during the player meeting); perhaps they couldn't find the last few cards they needed, and had to change their deck - and allowing for that possibility is another example of good customer service.
Still, whatever answer a TO receives from their WPN rep will absolutely overrule my Opinion, and be ‘O’fficial. I just wanted to elaborate on why I think it's not a good idea.