Edited Brook Gardner-Durbin (July 20, 2019 05:25:28 PM)
Be careful not to apply this infraction in situations where a publicly-correctable error subsequently leads to an uncorrectable situation
Originally posted by Brook Gardner-Durbin:
Not Official - my understanding is that the MPE line of text you quoted is accurate, and should guide you here. The mulligan process is complete, and the game has started, so any extra cards should be fixed with HCE.
We don't want to let players apply the london mull fix themselves, after the game has started, because it could give them a huge advantage. Part of the fun and skill in Magic is deciding what cards to keep during mulligans, and weighing how likely a card is to be bad vs a given opponent vs how good it is vs others, and so on.
If we allowed players to apply the london mull after the game had started, they could have extra information about whether they wanted to put their Fatal Push or their Cryptic Command on the bottom, based on what land their opponent played on the first turn. We want them to make those choices before they get any info about what their opponent is playing.
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