In a local Legacy event a player (Alaba) played a deck, using
Auriok Salvager,
Lion's Eye Diamond, and
Walking Ballista. Their opponent (Natalia) had a
Chalice of the Void with 0 counters in play.
With 4 mana available and the Salvager already in play, they cast and resolved the Ballista with X = 1 and then put their LED directly from their hand into their graveyard because of the chalice. Then they tapped 2 more mana and explained their loop of getting LED back, saccing it for WWW, get their LED back for 1W…. have infinite mana, use that to put counters on the ballista and then kill their opponent with direct damage.
Natalia then said: This doesn't work. Alaba replied: It does, pointing to the Salvager. They claimed it brought back artifacts directly to the battlefield. Natalia then didn't read the card but scooped. Alaba scooped as well. Then a judge was called by a spectator.
We ruled out cheating as we got rules questions earlier that showed that Alaba believed the card brought back artifacts to the battlefield, not to the hand. For example an earlier opponent of them asked if
Grafdigger's Cage prevented non-creature-artifacts from entering the battlefield from the graveyard. They also had never played that deck before outside of goldfishing at home.
As it was turn 4 or 5 and both players could reconstruct their game states as they hadn't shuffled yet, we ruled a CPV as Alaba clearly misrepresented the game state by explaining their loop incorrectly and told them to continue from there after reconstructing the game state (so technically backing up through a concession that was based on the misrepresented loop/game state) to both players agreement (there was no disagreement at all).
I understand that this was probably a deviation, but as other judges I discussed this with, agreed with this ruling and both players were happy with the ruling, I don't regret making that decision. However I'd like to have more opinions and also an answer, if possible, including the philosophy behind the correct ruling.
Edited Christian Gienger (July 25, 2019 01:53:34 AM)