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Comfy shoes

April 22, 2015 06:58:17 AM

Tomas Joska
Judge (Level 1 (International Judge Program)), Tournament Organizer

Europe - Central

Comfy shoes

keen finlay. definitely recommended

June 6, 2015 03:49:37 AM

Claudi Cisneros Camps
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program)), Scorekeeper


Comfy shoes

I use to wear shoes that respect my feets: barefoot shoes. For exemple Vivobarefoot or Merrell have some shoes that are elegant and your feet muscles will work and stay as they are born to be.


June 6, 2015 12:23:46 PM

Charles Featherer
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Northeast

Comfy shoes

Great discussion about shoes, and I'm glad to see a couple of people focused on socks as well. Just to add my two cents - if you're going to spend all day on your feet, bringing a second pair of socks to an event is a great idea to consider.

If you don't want to drop the money on a pair of hiking socks, having a second pair allows you to take a few minutes during the day and change socks. It's a tip I encourage my Scouts to follow when hiking. Socks do build up moisture from foot sweat (ick) and a fresh pair will allow your feet to breath more and reduce the chance of blisters. Plus, the time spent changing allows you a moment to check the health of your feet in general. If you have any hotspots, apply moleskin to the area. Cut out a piece double the diameter of the affected area - or even two pieces to layer them - and cut out the center of the piece of moleskin. Put the moleskin on the area so that the hotspot is in the center of the moleskin.

Take care of your feet - and you'll have a better day. Moleskin is too cheap a solution not to have in your bag.

(Always pack moleskin if you're breaking in new pair of shoes on the floor. It's always recommended to break in shoes before spending 10 hours on your feet, but if you're going to do it the hard way then pack some moleskin).

June 6, 2015 01:26:36 PM

Marc DeArmond
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Pacific Northwest

Comfy shoes

I've used THESE socks for hiking, judging, and other running around in the woods type activities. They are more important than the shoes you wear. I never thought I'd spend $15 on a pair of socks. I've bought four of them for myself and several for other people. They are the single best investment you can make in judging.

June 8, 2015 06:19:08 PM

David Poon
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper

Canada - Western Provinces

Comfy shoes

I used to have Rockports, but now I swear by my pair of Dunhams. It was only after a day of walking on concrete that I realised that I hadn't noticed my feet or shoes all day.

I only recently discovered that they are made by New Balance. Figures.

June 10, 2015 10:50:01 AM

Eli Meyer
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Northeast

Comfy shoes

Originally posted by Claudi Cisneros Camps:

I use to wear shoes that respect my feets: barefoot shoes. For exemple Vivobarefoot or Merrell have some shoes that are elegant and your feet muscles will work and stay as they are born to be.

I'm actually due for $150 in class-action lawsuit money due to the false claims that barefoot-shoe manufacturers made when selling me my pair (which I can't wear any more due to the ankle pain they caused). These work for some people I'm sure, but use with caution!