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WER Changing Results and Not Accurately Showing Points

Aug. 20, 2014 08:37:17 PM

Sara Sukenik
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Northeast

WER Changing Results and Not Accurately Showing Points

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to bring the following experience I had to your attention. This past Sunday, I was score keeping a PTQ. At the beginning of Round 7, a player brought to my attention that last round her match result slip accurately stated she had 15 points and this round, it suddenly stated she had only 12. After some investigation, the head judge and I found that at Round 3, her opponent was a no show. This was recorded as 2-0 in her favor with her opponent dropping on the match result slip. However, WER was displaying that it was 2-0 in her opponent's favor and her opponent was still marked as dropping. This seemed odd since I double check all slips for each round. The head judge fixed the issue and fixed her pairing.

At the end of Round 8, another player came up explaining that he should have 18 points, but the standings were showing 15. When researching the source of the error, the same thing was found: his opponent was a no show on Round 4. It was recorded as 2-0 in his favor with his opponent dropping on the match result slip, but WER was showing it as 2-0 in his opponent's favor with his opponent dropping. The head judge fixed this which effected the top 8 standings.

Once again at the end of round 8, yet another player stated he should have 12 points instead of 9 points. He listed off the 4 rounds he won which were all reflected accurately in WER. However, WER still only showed that the player had 9 points for his final standings.

I have already submitted this to Wizards customer service, but if anyone has any ideas how to prevent these issues, please let me know!



Aug. 21, 2014 10:43:29 AM

Cj Shrader
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Southeast

WER Changing Results and Not Accurately Showing Points

We had this exact same thing happen at our PTQ this past weekend. It was frustrating.

I'm just adding that info in case anyone says it was an isolated case.

As far as I can tell, it only worked against no shows (Which is weird as WER wouldn't know they were no shows). Did you enter the penalties for the no shows?

Aug. 21, 2014 10:47:05 AM

John Kmiecik
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper

USA - Great Lakes

WER Changing Results and Not Accurately Showing Points

Is this the latest version of WER or an older one for this issue?

On Thursday, August 21, 2014, Cj Shrader <

Aug. 21, 2014 06:28:35 PM

Sara Sukenik
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Northeast

WER Changing Results and Not Accurately Showing Points

Thanks CJ for confirming I wasn't going blind!

To answer a few questions, this is the latest version of WER. I would enter the no show penalties the same round the player received it. The guy who should have had 12 points did not have any wins by no show and all wins were accurately recorded in WER.

Wizards has retrieved the tournament file and is looking into it. I'll try not entering no show penalties until the end of the tournament this Sunday. Thanks guys for your help!!

Sept. 17, 2014 05:12:59 AM

Isa Flues
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper, Tournament Organizer

German-speaking countries

WER Changing Results and Not Accurately Showing Points

Sorry about the thread necromancy, but something similar happened to me at our WMCQ, and at first I also thought I was going crazy…
There was a no show in round 4, and WER even registered such an absurd thing as 0-2 for both players in this pairing. Consequently, no one of them received points in this round.
Does anyone know why this happens and how to avoid it until the bug is fixed? Is the issue really related to the penalty and can thus be avoided if the SK enters all no shows after the tournament?

Sept. 17, 2014 04:44:15 PM

Alan Peng
Judge (Uncertified)

Australia and New Zealand

WER Changing Results and Not Accurately Showing Points

I had the same problem at our WMCQ too. Player came up and said he had 3 points less - his last round had a no-show which I am certain I entered correctly (as I also entered the penalty).