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Judging Technology » Post: WER issues with update

WER issues with update

Nov. 8, 2014 03:12:06 AM

Jesse Watts
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Academy))

Australia and New Zealand

WER issues with update

Hi all,

Last night at our normal FNM we ran into an odd issue of WER updating in the middle of an event, between round 1 and round 2.

normally I imagine this would not be an issue, but for us, it actually removed the current round from the GUI, and trying to make a new round would give an error (There is already a round in progress), and I could not alter any of the pairings, because the program could not find them for the round (as if there was no round in progress, I imagine. The error said there was no index to reference to.. or something. my memory is a little bit foggy.)

So basically, there was no way to input new round pairings, and no way to make a new round manually.

The fix that I found was to drop everyone from the event, then re enroll them on the players tab, and manually change the round scores before making round 2.

This seemed like a bit of an odd issue, and just thought I'd post it in case anyone else comes across it, updating late, etc.. and also for reporting sake, so maybe someone can make use of the information.

Thanks :)