Hi, all. Part 2 will be out within a day or so.
And part 3, not coincidentally, deals entirely with how to decide when to stop an investigation. That one is scheduled out within a week :)
-Eric S.
—– Original Message —–
From: Scott Marshall
eshukan@verizon.net Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2014 12:08 PM
Subject: Re: Investigations - The Search for Collateral Truths (Article Discussion)
Kevin makes a good point - we often spend a lot more time than necessary, probably because we want to be Absolutely Certain for something as severe as a DQ.
That's an admirable objective, but keep in mind, most DQs involve far less certainty than “Absolute”; there's usually only one person who really has that certainty, and that person is the one who doesn't want to be DQd.
So, as Eric said in his article - identify the things you need to confirm or correct, and do so efficiently.
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