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Sideboarding for 2HG Sealed

March 9, 2015 11:53:33 AM

Adam Applebaum
Judge (Uncertified)

United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa

Sideboarding for 2HG Sealed

In the situation where a game of 2HG is drawn (In KTK/FRF if Arcbond kills both teams), are the teams permitted to sideboard before game 2?

Reading the MTR, my initial opinion is that players would be allowed to sideboard, (MTR 9.6 Cards not used in a team’s starting decks are considered a shared sideboard by the two players that both players
can access.)

Additionally, can cards which began the first game in Player A's deck begin the second game in Player B's deck? Would this answer change if the TO wanted to hold the event at Comp REL? Currently you can swap cards between players at Regular in Team Sealed between matches but not games, but I am unsure if this would follow for 2HG Sealed since all cards are still being played in the same game.

March 9, 2015 12:19:14 PM

Gareth Tanner
Judge (Level 2 (UK Magic Officials))

United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa

Sideboarding for 2HG Sealed

Two Headed Giant can only be run at Regular REL. At Regular REL unless stated by the Head Judge continues deck construction is in effect so the teams can change the composition of their deck when they like

March 9, 2015 03:39:32 PM

Yonatan Kamensky
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Northeast

Sideboarding for 2HG Sealed

Gareth, what's your source that 2HG can only be at Regular?

March 9, 2015 04:05:20 PM

Judge (Level 3 (Judge Academy)), Scorekeeper, Tournament Organizer

Australia and New Zealand

Sideboarding for 2HG Sealed

MTR 9.5

Sideboards are not allowed in constructed Two-Headed Giant tournaments.

For sealed, should be ok.

Edited Fry (March 9, 2015 04:05:44 PM)

March 9, 2015 04:23:37 PM

Gareth Pye
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Academy))

Ringwood, Australia

Sideboarding for 2HG Sealed

I don't believe there is an official source as it's not official. They
have removed the support for 2HG from the Comp REL policies (try and
find mention of match point penalties now)

But unofficially anyone would be mad to try 2HG at Comp REL*. There
was a large experiment with it and a PT and such, the consensus is
that it just doesn't work, because games are slower it makes for a bad
player experience.

PS: I know I'm not the Gareth you asked the question of.

*Okay WotC weren't mad to try it, but it's been tried now, learn from
others mistakes.