Originally posted by Ralph Glätsch:
We normally do a 3 zone draft. Due to the different picking speed, it always piles up somewhere.
Originally posted by Ralph Glätsch:
The new once didn’t feel the pressure they normally have if boosters are piling up on them.
Originally posted by Espen Skarsbø Olsen:
Are you sure that you're doing a zone draft? In a zone draft there should only be one pack in each zone. One in the hands, one to your left, and one to your right. If there's already a pack to your left/right when you're ready to pass your pack, you have to wait. No piling up, but some waiting.
Edited Ralph Glätsch (May 27, 2015 02:34:56 AM)
Originally posted by Ralph Glätsch:
If you have players, that take a lot of time to do a pick. They generate a queue of waiting behind them. Like if you are the traffic sign on a big road. and you just let 1 car through every minute. The 14 remaining cars will que up and w8 till the first in queue moves. They can't do anything beside waiting and honking.
Originally posted by Espen Skarsbø Olsen:
My way to handle this situation at Regular would be to talk the player(s) that are slow directly, and try to make them understand that even though you don't have a called draft, they're required to make their choices in a timely manner. Short cues like “I need to to pick a card now” and “pick a card now” directly to slow players during the draft could also be used.