Article: Running on-demand events at a GP
Outstanding article, thanks Anniek for writing this ans thanks Florian for linking it for upcoming GP Brum.
I have some small small feedback in terms of prize tix, they don't need to be banded with events as I find that in-effecient, infact GP London where all events fed into a dedicated ticket redemption table was super effective by just dishing out tix and highlighting the player names as they redeemed.
In copenhagen I was forced into banding them up and it caused unnecessary work plus took time to get the tickets out of a rubber banded small wedge and giving to players, instead of just having the piles to hand out. (Infact when my team lead clocked off, I did my own thing with tickets to wrap the day up and had a lot easier time of it.)
A walking floor manager who's got their own map is great, enhanced with the ‘live time’ Kefka app it's very beneficial and visibility of the floor manager is also great, not hidden behind some curtain or buried looking busy behind some device or wall of product… Out there often walking the tables, very obvious, very approachable. Love it.