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Announcing the GP Charlotte Staff List!

Jan. 4, 2013 11:47:16 PM

Nicholas Sabin
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Academy))

USA - Midatlantic

Announcing the GP Charlotte Staff List!

Hello, judges!

On behalf of Star City Games, I am proud to announce the staff list for Grand Prix: Charlotte.

Our Head Judge is Chris Richter; our Judge Manager is … me.

And our awesome staff:

Johnpaul Adams - L1
John Alderfer - L3
Kali Anderson - L2
Michael Baldwin - L2
Anthony Barton - L2
Jeremy Behunin - L2
James Bennett - L3
Jason Bouchard - L1
Casey Brefka - L2
Brian Brown - L1
Blaine Campbell - L2
Travis Coffman - L2
Sean Copeland - L2
Abraham Corson - L2
Jeff Darran - L2
Ryan Darris - L2
David de la Iglesia
Nicola DiPasquale - L2
Shawn Doherty - L3
James Elliott - L2
Dimah Eroshkin - L2
Joshua Feingold - L2
George FitzGerald - L2
Jason Flatford - L2
Michael Fortino - L2
Jeph Foster - L2
Raven Fox - L2
Brian Guess - L2
Samuel Hanna - L2
Julian Hector - L1
James Hedges - L2
Christopher Hickman - L2
Ryan Hoffman - L2
Casey Hogan - L2
Jonathan Holland - L1
Wesley Holland - L1
Francisco Iramain - L2
Joseph Kyle - L2
Aaron LaCluyze - L2
Michael Lopez - L2
Adrian MacVean - L2
Geoffrey Marsi - L2
Daniel McAbee - L1
Benjamin McDole - L3
Jason McFarland - L2
Allison Medwin - L2
Michael Mills - L2
Min Moldover - L2
Tyler Morrison - L2
Raoul Mowatt - L2
Justin Nir - L2
Gustavo Otero De Leon - L2
Bryan Prillaman - L2
Elliot Raff - L2
Jordan Randolph - L2
Josue Rodriguez - L2
Maximilian Schroeder - L2
Bryan Spellman - L2
Joshua Staples - L1
Ryan Stapleton - L3
Dan Stephens - L3
John Temple - L2
Justin Turner - L3
William VanDyke - L2
Adam White - L1
Michael White - L2
Zakary Whyte - L2
W. Matt Williams - L2
Phillip Wulfridge - L2
Michael Zimmerman - L2
Steven Zwanger - L3

Many thanks to everybody who applied!

Best regards,
