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Project Recruitment & Help Wanted » Post: Crash Courses: We need questions, lesson writers and tech people

Crash Courses: We need questions, lesson writers and tech people

Aug. 6, 2016 10:25:32 AM

Yuval Tzur
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program)), Regional Coordinator (Europe - East), TLC

Europe - East

Crash Courses: We need questions, lesson writers and tech people

First of all, thank you for showing interest in our project!

The Crash Course project aims to help judges getting better at knowing the rules, but instead of just teaching the rules, we want them to be able to answer lots of questions of a single topic while learning it.
To do that, we need the following:
  1. People who can write lessons and help with the production of YouTube videos
  2. People who can help write or find good rules questions (with credit to the original creator, of course)
  3. People who can help create a platform for the self tests and question creation
If you're interested in being part of our project, please contact me or Alexander Papageorgioy.