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Judging Technology » Post: Android App that Copy => Pastes cards into Facebook?

Android App that Copy => Pastes cards into Facebook?

Nov. 30, 2016 09:56:38 AM

Matt Wells
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Southeast

Android App that Copy => Pastes cards into Facebook?

I am using MTG Familiar to Copy => Paste card text into Facebook posts in study groups. MTG Familiar does not properly copy over casting costs or energy symbols though.

Does anyone know of an Android App that will properly copy them over? Either with an image or “{U}”-type indicators.

Nov. 30, 2016 06:54:34 PM

Ben Quasnitschka
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Academy)), Scorekeeper, Tournament Organizer

USA - South

Android App that Copy => Pastes cards into Facebook?

Have you contacted the developer of Familiar? There may be a fix on the way, or you might be the one to suggest it.

Dec. 1, 2016 09:22:51 AM

Rob McKenzie
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry)), Scorekeeper

USA - North

Android App that Copy => Pastes cards into Facebook?

I'll poke April King, who does some work on Familiar, maybe this is easily

Rob McKenzie
Magic Judge Level III
Judge Regional Coordinator USA-North