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Competitive REL » Post: Missed Trigger - request for official clarification

Missed Trigger - request for official clarification

April 27, 2017 02:18:40 AM

Jacopo Strati
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program))

Italy and Malta

Missed Trigger - request for official clarification

Hello fellows!

I've a question about the new text of the MT fixes:

Three types of triggered abilities do not expire and resolve immediately if they are discovered:
• A triggered ability that specifies a default action associated with a choice made by the
controller (usually “If you don't …” or “… unless”). The opponent may choose not to
resolve this trigger. Otherwise the default action must be chosen.
• An enters-the-battlefield trigger of an Aura that affects only the enchanted permanent and
causes a visible change to that permanent.
• A delayed triggered ability that changes the zone of one or more objects defined when the
ability was created. For this trigger, the opponent chooses whether to resolve the ability
the next time a player would get priority or when a player would get priority at the start
of the next phase.

Before the change, the sentence in bold was referred to all the triggers belonging to the “default action/delayed triggers” group.
Now it appears only in the “delayed triggers” paragraph.

Is this a functional change or the philosophy is still the same as before?
To clarify: can the opponent choose when to resolve a trigger only if it's a delayed one or has he the option to do so for all these three trigger types?

AP forgot to pay the Echo cost of an Albino Troll. Both players realize it during Declare Attackers Step.
Can NAP choose to apply the default action when the next phase begins or must the action be applied as soon as the trigger is discovered to be missed, if NAP decides to do so?

Thanks for your answer!

Edited Jacopo Strati (April 27, 2017 03:26:11 AM)

April 27, 2017 05:07:44 AM

David de la Iglesia
Judge (Uncertified)

Europe - East

Missed Trigger - request for official clarification

Thread closed, pending Official answer.