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Ixalan Booster don't always have the right amount of cards

Sept. 30, 2017 11:17:15 AM

Johannes Wagner
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program))

German-speaking countries

Ixalan Booster don't always have the right amount of cards

I just watched some Ixalan booster boxes out of boredom and noticed something:
Basics are often replaced by Checklist Cards or vice versa even if there is no flip card in the booster.
Check for example this picture:

We have a nonflip card rare, a nonflip card common, and a checklist card replacing the basic.
Sometimes the Token cards are also backside first in the packs.

Also saw boosters like that:
3 uncommons, foil basic, flipcard rare, checklist

So, if the checklist card replaces the basic it's not that bad, but the problem is in german packs:
The checklist card replaces a common card and the basic is in it. But that's not always the case.
I don't know about problems like this in other languages.

So, how should we handle it?
Most events will use the english product in Germany, but some stores give the player the choice if they want to use german or english product.

(Link to video:

Edited Johannes Wagner (Sept. 30, 2017 11:21:28 AM)

Sept. 30, 2017 01:30:44 PM

Jim Shuman
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Academy)), Scorekeeper, Tournament Organizer

USA - South

Ixalan Booster don't always have the right amount of cards

In the case you are sighting, you have a checklist and a foil basic land. The checklist replaced your basic land, your foil replaced a common. Irregular packs are normally an issue the TO has to resolve once it is brought to their attention.

Sept. 30, 2017 01:49:08 PM

Johannes Wagner
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program))

German-speaking countries

Ixalan Booster don't always have the right amount of cards

You are correct. The booster that are missing the basics do not even have to be replaced in Sealed because no other card is missing. It could lead to inconsistencies tho if you count out the cards when deckchecking,
In Drafts it can be solved if we change the announcement to “remove all nonmagic cards and nonfoil basics”.

Are there any other mispacks in Ixalan?

Oct. 2, 2017 01:22:01 AM

Jackson Moore
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program))


Ixalan Booster don't always have the right amount of cards

Can't speak for all languages but multiple packs in French Pre-Release boosters contained two or more of the same card, several times (I opened a booster with a 3-of and two 2-ofs). So try not to let that freak you out if it happens during a draft.

Oct. 2, 2017 02:51:53 AM

Andrew Villarrubia
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Foundry))

USA - South

Ixalan Booster don't always have the right amount of cards

This is wholly anecdotal, but I've heard multiple reports of people opening boxes that were shipped with rares in one of the uncommon slots.

Oct. 2, 2017 12:52:29 PM

Lyle Waldman
Judge (Uncertified)


Ixalan Booster don't always have the right amount of cards

IIRC this was actually a change instituted with Innistrad (original Innistrad, not Shadows) wherein the basic land in the pack was replaced with a checklist card in 3/4 of packs ( ). Around the same time, the standard practice was changed from “draft 15 cards” to “remove the basic land and draft 14 cards”. It was never changed on MODO AFAIK (probably because checklist cards are not a thing on MODO).

Originally posted by MTR 7.7:

After picking up the booster, players should remove and keep any non-foil Plains, Island, Swamp, Mountain, or Forest basic land cards and/or any other cards that are not legal to use in the draft. Foil basic land cards should be left in the booster and drafted with the other cards.

Seems like nothing is wrong here. Is there something else here I'm missing?

Edited Lyle Waldman (Oct. 2, 2017 12:55:51 PM)

Oct. 2, 2017 03:23:50 PM

Johannes Wagner
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program))

German-speaking countries

Ixalan Booster don't always have the right amount of cards

Well, in my case that's fine then. But seems like things like Uncommon/Rare Count can be off or cards can be duplicates.

Edited Johannes Wagner (Oct. 2, 2017 03:25:25 PM)

Oct. 2, 2017 04:36:59 PM

Rob Marti
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - South

Ixalan Booster don't always have the right amount of cards

My LGS had a 16 card pack - with no foils - this past weekend. It was a prize pack and not involved in any draft, but the double Carnage Tyrant was appreciated.

Oct. 3, 2017 12:39:35 AM

Isaac King
Judge (Uncertified)

Barriere, Canada

Ixalan Booster don't always have the right amount of cards

Ixalan has a much larger number of booster packing errors than previous sets. There have been many reports of booster packs with too many/few of a specific rarity or cards in total.

As is always the case for abnormal product, the player must call a judge upon noticing the problem. The HJ and TO decide how to proceed from there. See section 7.4 of the MTR.

Oct. 3, 2017 07:13:15 AM

Dan Blicharz
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Northeast

Ixalan Booster don't always have the right amount of cards

My LCS had this issue on Friday. Pack had a foil rare but no normal rare. TO just swapped the pack out and all was good again.

Oct. 3, 2017 08:36:43 AM

Emilien Wild
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 3 (International Judge Program)), Grand Prix Head Judge


Ixalan Booster don't always have the right amount of cards

I believe that we now have enough reports confirming that such things that happen, and don't think they are any more necessary.
Isaac King correctly noted which part of the MTR covers such situations.

- Emilien