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Team Bonding Exercise - GOLD

June 12, 2018 12:00:45 PM

Andrew Villarrubia
Judge (Level 3 (Judge Foundry))

USA - South Central

Team Bonding Exercise - GOLD

Originally posted by Andrew Keeler:

Just to hopefully further the discussion a bit, should there be any consideration given to the relative placement of Broken Bond in A or B's decklists? Supposing that A has the card listed in their sideboard and B has it listed maindeck, it would seem significantly more disruptive overall to ask B to remove the card than to ask A to do so. We may be cutting down of a potential abuse case, but introducing an additional disruptive element to the fix seems to remove most of the gains that we would realize. I do like the proposed fix in principle, but I think that some policy finesse would be required to remove the disruption potential.

Mainboard A>B>C > Sideboard A>B>C does seem like the most sane application of that portion of the IPG.

I'm on board with removing the cards from the latter player's list and replacing with basics.

Edited Andrew Villarrubia (June 12, 2018 12:00:54 PM)

June 13, 2018 12:50:21 PM

Isaac King
Judge (Level 1 (Judge Foundry))

Barriere, British Columbia, Canada

Team Bonding Exercise - GOLD

This is an interesting discussion, but I want to point out that I think the original scenario is about what to do under current policy, not about proposed changes to the policy.

June 14, 2018 07:14:35 PM

Joe Klopchic
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry))

Seattle, Washington, United States

Team Bonding Exercise - GOLD

Thanks everyone for the responses this week, we had some excellent discussion.

Logan Anbinder has pointed to the policy that we're concerned about.

In Team Unified tournaments, two members of the same team can't register the same card in their deck, except for basic lands. <strike>For these tournaments, we treat the team's decklist as one long list, starting with A's list, then B's list, then C's list. We follow the guidance in the IPG:</strike> For these tournaments, we allow the team to choose which deckist is illegal.

Originally posted by IPG Decklist Problem:

If the deck/sideboard and decklist both violate a maximum cards restriction (usually too many cards in a sideboard or more than four of a card), remove cards starting from the bottom of the appropriate section of the list or lists.

Let the team choose which player will replace all copies of Broken Bond on their decklist with basic lands. That player receives a Game Loss for Decklist Problem.

Edited Joe Klopchic (June 10, 2019 05:49:47 PM)