Future of WER.
I am interested in apply the web-programming skills to WER. So I think about the “Future of WER” for our organizers and judges. I have small project for these, but I think that WotC support these things is better.
I wish it will be helpful for our judge work and advancement of organizing skills.
Future of WER
* In this document, WER means both of V3 reporter and Wizards Event Reporter.
0. Intro
- WER have to be changed.
- Very fast changing of tournament circumstance. - both shop-based event and premier event are much bigger than before.
- No Rivals of WER. - It interrupt the progress of WER.
1. basic principle
1) online & web-based repoter
- No installation, No client, connecting the website which can service the reporter program and save all data in the DB of the server.
2) easy to access tournament information by staffs and players.
- Staffs can use event data for supporting players.
- Players easily access the free information about tournament like pairings, standings and round-time. Also can easily receive the head judge's and tournament official's announcement.
3) paper team will be removed.
- No paper or less paper than before.
2. Specification.
1) Use ASP, PHP, Javascript and web-based programming.
- connection from anywhere, by anydevice, by anybody.
- do not need application for each other devices. Every devices can support HTML standard and Javascript in their own web browsers.
2) Multiple scorekeeper system.
- every floor judges are scorekeepers. each judge has mobile devices (like smartphone, pads, etc.) and connect the reporter web site and input the results which are reported by players. (also judge can make players confirm their own match result through his own device.)
- It can support venue problem and syncronization of each event data on each different WER programs on each different PCs
3) Posting the parings and standings on the webpages in realtime.
- and players check these always and anywhere by themselves.
4) Same support of offline WER tools.
- can supprot seating, pod management, player registration, find players, print service, etc.
3. effects
1) big event (more 200 players participate - WMCQ, PTQ, GP, PT, etc.)
- reduce the loss-time of end-of-rounds and start-of-round.
- amplify the synergy of coverage team.
2) small event or the event which is hold in small venue.
- resolve the crowded situation of small shop.
- can support realtime coverage service for non-participated local players.
4. conclusion
WER have to be changed. But I don't know the developer of WER in Wizards have the ideas about these.