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Tournament Operations » Post: Untimed rounds in Top 8 of the PPTQ - SOURCE?

Untimed rounds in Top 8 of the PPTQ - SOURCE?

Nov. 1, 2018 06:39:32 AM

Niels Viaene
Judge (Uncertified), Tournament Organizer


Untimed rounds in Top 8 of the PPTQ - SOURCE?

I am looking for the official source that says play-off rounds in PPTQ's should be untimed. All I can find is a judge wiki entry from 2016. I looked in the MTR and tried to find the fact sheet for pptq's but they don't seem to be so easy to find anymore.

Any help?

Nov. 1, 2018 06:45:06 AM

Shawn Doherty
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Midatlantic

Untimed rounds in Top 8 of the PPTQ - SOURCE?

If you go to this link for the PPTQs:

There is a section on ‘Tournament Length and Advancement’ which states:
“Single-elimination playoff matches will have no time limit.”

Hope that helps.

Nov. 1, 2018 06:51:24 AM

Dominik Chłobowski
Judge (Uncertified)

Canada - Eastern Provinces

Untimed rounds in Top 8 of the PPTQ - SOURCE?

In the Player Information section, click on the Tournament Length and
Advancement tab.

czw., 1 lis 2018 o 09:46 Niels Viaene <>

Nov. 1, 2018 06:52:42 AM

Ben Petrila
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Southwest

Untimed rounds in Top 8 of the PPTQ - SOURCE?

It’s listed in the document sent to stores about PPTQs. Also on the information page