A common question gets asked, every time there's a “Masters” set released, or a new set contains ultra-rare versions of cards (Invocations, Masterpieces, Expeditions, etc).
Q: can a player who opens a high-value booster, during a sanctioned, limited tournament, opt to buy another pack to replace the high-value pack?
A: NO. Do NOT allow “rebuys” for any (non-casual) event.
The player is allowed to drop at that point, with any of the cards they've opened; policy is clear that those cards belong to the player who possesses them (i.e., opens them). This isn't great, since it screws up that draft a bit - but it is allowed. Having the player buy a different pack to replace the high-value pack, is NOT allowed.
This is most likely to come up with sets like the upcoming Ultimate Masters; perhaps the regular rare is in high demand, and there's also a valuable foil rare in the same pack - no one *wants* to pick just one and pass the other, in a draft. And many players who open high-value cards, esp. foils, in Sealed don't want to devalue that card by shuffling it.
From a previous post: What about players who have an Expedition, want to play with it, but don't want to degrade the condition and value of the card?
- The player may use an exact replacement - e.g., a Khans of Tarkir Polluted Delta instead of an Expedition Polluted Delta.
- The player may double-sleeve their deck and shuffle carefully.
- The player may elect to play without the Expedition, to protect it.
- DO NOT CREATE PROXIES (unless a card is damaged during the normal course of play)
For further reference, here's one thread where this was asked, then re-asked later:
https://apps.magicjudges.org/forum/topic/21568Please spread this message to store owners you know. Thanks!
P.S. - what I'm posting is for Regular REL (or Competitive/Professional, obv); for Casual events, lots of weird things are allowed.