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A new site for tracking changes in the MtG docs

Dec. 29, 2018 05:07:52 AM

Andrew Villarrubia
Judge (Level 3 (Judge Foundry))

USA - South Central

A new site for tracking changes in the MtG docs

Howdy! I'd like to introduce Venser's Journal, the primary purpose of which is hosting diffs for the Comprehensive Rules, Infraction Procedure Guide, and Magic Tournament Rules.

“What's a diff?” some of you might ask. Basically, it compares an old version of a thing to a new version of a thing, and highlights differences. If you were familiar with Yawgatog's site, this is that, expanded to the tournament docs as well.

The CR is shown side-by-side, while the IPG and MTR are in-line. All previous diffs are archived, as well.

The site is also hosting all older versions of the docs I can find, so if you have something that I don't, let me know!

I'm still working on the site for mobile, but it should be functional.

Check it out, browse around, feedback appreciated, all that jazz.

Dec. 29, 2018 05:49:15 AM

Stephen Brown
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Great Lakes

A new site for tracking changes in the MtG docs

This is fantastic! I'll be sure to use this tool in my continuing education!