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Snow Lands in Limited

May 29, 2019 11:58:38 AM [Original Post]

Zachary Cropper-Alt
Judge (Uncertified), Tournament Organizer

USA - Northeast

Snow Lands in Limited

I have been looking at Modern Horizons spoilers and getting ready to judge some drafts next month. Since there are many cards that do not function without snow lands, I was wondering how that will work in a draft deck. Do the players have to draft the snow land out of the pack and use that? Or do we consider all the store basic lands to be snow lands for this kind of event? I believe the rule is usually that you can't add snow lands to a limited deck, but that would make a lot of cards in this set unplayable.

May 29, 2019 12:05:12 PM [Marked as Accepted Answer]

Dan Collins
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry)), Scorekeeper

USA - Northeast

Snow Lands in Limited

Originally posted by MTR 7.2:

Players may add an unlimited number of cards named Plains, Island, Swamp, Mountain, or Forest to their deck and sideboard. They may not add additional snow basic land cards (e.g. Snow-Covered Forest, etc) or Wastes basic land cards, even in formats in which they are legal.

Under current policy, if you want to play a snow-covered X, you need to draft it/open it in your sealed pool. The store basic lands are just what they say on the type line: adding extra snow covered lands to a limited deck is not allowed, and non-snow lands may not be used as proxies for snow lands.

May 29, 2019 12:07:04 PM

Charlotte Sable
Judge (Level 3 (Magic Judges Finland))

Europe - North

Snow Lands in Limited

As per MTR 7.2: “Players may add an unlimited number of cards named Plains,
Island, Swamp, Mountain, or Forest to their deck and sideboard. *They may
not add additional snow basic land cards (e.g. Snow-Covered Forest, etc) or
Wastes basic land cards, even in formats in which they are legal.*”

All snow-covered basic lands will be drafted as part of the packs they're
in and players will only be able to use the snow lands they draft or open
for their limited decks.

On Wed, May 29, 2019, 03:00 Zachary Cropper-Alt <

May 29, 2019 12:47:05 PM

Scott Marshall
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 4 (Judge Foundry)), Hall of Fame

USA - Southwest

Snow Lands in Limited

Came here to say basically what Dan and Charlotte already said.

Precedent was set by Coldsnap limited, both Sealed Deck and Draft.
