The Rules Box

A portable box of rules questions for judges, candidates and players.

Project Manager: Markus Dietrich
Public: Yes

Project Description


The box began at GP Malmö 2012. I was in Judge Booth with Raymond Fong and Richard Drijvers. We found three sealed deck without rares the same day and began making rules questions for the players. We didn't have any Judge Booth queations availeble instead we used the cards from the sealed decks. We all enjoyed it. On the trainride home to Copenhagen, I thought about using the questions from that day to my local judge candidates. I assembled a box of several sleeves, each containing one or more rules questions. That meant that some of the cards could be used more times in conjuntion with the other cards in that sleeve.

It became dubbed "The Rules Box". I don't remember how. It was immidiatly a succes among the local judges (and some players) quickly. I took it to GPs, and judges have liked it. It has become a "portable Judge Booth". All of the local judges know it, as well players that might be interrested in judging. It not only entertains people, it also helps myself and others keep up to the rules.


Standardize the box:The box began as a project just for fun. It's now time to test everything and figure what works and what don't. New questions should contain cards that are easy to obtain. Cards used in questions can be of any rarity. Please try to keep cards used in tournament decks from appearing in quetions unless it HAS to be that card.


Examples from the box:


Bold cardname: Card used for several questions

Level 0 Question:

Yew Spirit + Spectral Prison + Midvast Protector + Titanic Growth
Topics: Targetting of spells and abilities.
1: Albert controls a tapped Yew Spirit enchanted with Nanna's Spectral Prison. What happens when Albert activate its ability?
2: Albert controls a tapped Yew Spirit enchanted with Nanna's Spectral Prison. Albert casts Midvast Protector, which resolves. He target his Yew Spiritwith its enter-the-battlefield ability. What happens when Midvast Protector's ability resolves and is that dependant of the color chosen?
3: Albert controls a tapped Yew Spiritenchanted with Nanna's Spectral Prison. Albert casts Titanic Growth on Yew Spirit. What happens as it resolves?

Level 1 Question:

Unhollowed Pact + Butcher Ghoul + Treacherous Pit-Dweller
Topics: Stacking of triggers and control/owner's of permanents. APNAP order.
1: Albert controls a Butcher Ghoul enchanted with Nanna's Unhollowed Pact. What happens when Butcher Ghoul dies? In Alberts turn? In Nanna's turn?
2: Albert controls a Treacherous Pit-Dweller enchanted with Nanna's Unhollowed Pact. What happens when Treacherous Pit-Dweller dies? In Alberts turn? In Nanna's turn?

Level 2 Question:

Grizzly Bear
Blood Moon + Zoetic Cavern (only used as Face-Down land) + Mirrorweave + Stalking Stones
Topics: Copying and turned face-down permanents.
1: Albert controls a Face-Down Zoetic Cavern and Nanna controls Blood Moon. Can Albert turn Zoetic Cavern face-up?
2: Albert controls Grizzly Bear, an animated Stalking Stones and a Face-Down Zoetic Cavern. Albert attacks Nanna with all three, than casts Mirrorweave targetting Grizzly Bear. How much damage does he deal Nanna?
3: Albert controls Grizzly Bear, an animated Stalking Stones and a Face-Down Zoetic Cavern. Albert attacks Nanna with all three, than casts Mirrorweave targetting Stalking Stones. How much damage does he deal Nanna?
4: Albert controls Grizzly Bear, an animated Stalking Stones and a Face-Down Zoetic Cavern. Albert attacks Nanna with all three, than casts Mirrorweave targetting face-down Zoetic Cavern. How much damage does he deal Nanna?

Keyword box:

Sleeve 1
Grizzly Bear
Angel's Tomb + Trusted Forcemage + Ghostly Flicker
Topics: The Intervening "if" clause and Soulbond. APNAP order of triggers.
1: Albert controls Angel's Tomb. He casts Trusted Forcemage. How can Albert soulbond his Angel's Tomb with Trusted Forcemage and what happens when Trusted Forcemage enters the battlefield?
2: Albert controls Angel's Tomb and Grizzly Bear. He casts Trusted Forcemage. How can Albert soulbond his Angel's TombA with Trusted Forcemage and what happens when Trusted Forcemage enters the battlefield?
3: Albert controls Angel's Tomb, Grizzly Bear and Trusted Forcemage. He cast Ghostly Flicker targetting Trusted Forcemage and Renegade Demon. What happens when both creatures enters the battlefield and can Trusted Forcemage Soulbond with Angel's Tomb?


You can find the full box here:


If you have any questions to add to the box, feel free to try them out and post them in the forums


Find questions to the Keyword Box and/or the rules box.

Create a thread that contains every Rules subject related to the Level 1 test and a different threas for the Level 2 test. Both threads will be Stickyied and guildelines related to Category of the questions will be added.

Get the Card of the week Feature up and running. Edna Murcia is responsible.


Project Members

Name Level Location Role
Markus Dietrich Level 1 (International Judge Program) German-speaking countries Admin
Alexander Buchberg Nørskov Sørensen Uncertified Europe - North Member
Jesus Christian Cruz Acono Uncertified Latin America Member
Maxwell Johnson Uncertified USA - Midatlantic Member
Jacob Møller Jensen Uncertified Europe - North Member
Edna Murcia Uncertified Latin America Member
Sophie Pages Level 5 (International Judge Program) France Member
Benedikt Pfennig Uncertified German-speaking countries Member
Travis Shultz Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Member
Adrian Teodorescu Uncertified Europe - East Member
Ronald Thompson Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Member
Chris Tran Uncertified USA - Pacific West Member
Marcie Twedell Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Southeast Member
Philip Wieland Level 1 (International Judge Program) German-speaking countries Member