L2 Candidates Mentoring in China Region

Help potential L2 candidtes improve themselves as a judge and finish their checklist more efficiently

Project Manager: Joe Lau
Public: Yes

Project Description

As a developing region, China Region facing certain problems on developing L2, L1s in the region wants to promote to L2 while some of them overestimate their ability, or even do not understand the requirement of L2. Some potential canditates cannot receive appropriate mentoring due to geographic reasons. The aim of this program is to give mentoring to potential L1 canditates towards their road to L2, at the same time, give a standard requirement to those who are willing to promote to work on.

Project Members

Name Level Location Role
Joe Lau Level 2 (International Judge Program) Asia Admin
Zhu Bin Uncertified Asia Member
Hao Du Uncertified Asia Member
Yanjie Liang Uncertified Asia Member
Ming Luo Uncertified Asia Member
Yi Shen Uncertified Asia Member
Hans Wang Uncertified Asia Member
Zhaoben Xu Level 2 (International Judge Program) Asia Member
Alex YEUNG Uncertified Asia Member
Chih da Yu Level 1 (International Judge Program) Asia Member
Chi Zhang Uncertified Asia Member
Lei Zhou Uncertified Asia Member