Facebook MTG Ask-the-Judge

Need a quick answer with your rules or policy question? You came to the right place.

Project Manager: Philip Adrian Pena
Public: Yes

Project Description

A Facebook group moderated by judges aimed to help players with their MTG rules and policy questions.
We are aiming the best answers possible, and every certified judge is welcome to help our cause of helping players!

Please visit the group page:


Project Members

Name Level Location Role
Fry Level 3 (Oceanic Judge Association) Australia and New Zealand Admin
Maykel . Uncertified Asia Admin
Joel Bantiles Uncertified Asia Admin
Khanh Le Thien Level 5 (International Judge Program) France Admin
Chris Nowak Uncertified USA - Midatlantic Admin
Philip Adrian Pena Level 1 (International Judge Program) Asia Admin
Kenny Perry Uncertified USA - Southwest Admin
Jason Kennedy Uncertified USA - Midatlantic Member