Magic: the quizzening

A collection of questions for fun events, created to ignite interest in magics’ history and to solidify judge/player relations

Project Manager: Alexander Buchberg Nørskov Sørensen
Public: Yes
Looking For: Lore buffs & trivia enthusiasts

Project Description

This is an expansion of a personal project for me that started back in late 2013.
Magic: the quizzening was originally thought up to test a local player bases’ knowledge of magics history as well as provide a fun event for players to attend to compete to see who was the best!

Magic: the quizzening aims to create a fun mini-event that can educate newer players about the history of magic and hopefully ignite their spark of interest, as well as challenge veterans to see who knows the most about a wide aspect of magic and magic history.

Currently the format of Magic: the quizzening is still under development but in its current state it is as follows

·         There are 5-7 categories(amount not decided yet)  of questions, some with their own unique format, these are: Magic history
The planeswalkers (planeswalker lore)
the planes(planes lore)
Four in a row( 4  boxes with text in 3 and 1 empty and you are asked to fill the last one)
Mmmh tasty(flavor test based questions)

·         There are 2 questions to each question, a main question and a (much) harder bonus question

·         Point are assigned to each question, 2 points for main questions and 1 point for each bonus question, this is set up this way to allow newer player to compete but still reward people with vast knowledge of magic history and trivia

·         A quiz can be assembled for the pool of questions for use at any event you might want to.

Question examples:

From history
Which magic the gathering set is the largest?
Bonus: how many cards did it contain? (+/- 5 cards)

From planeswalkers
What race is Ajani?
Bonus:Who was the first planeswalker that Ajani came into contact with after his spark was ignited


My hope for this project is that it in time can evolve into something you can run as a fun event at local shops or just something to pull out to compete with your friend, but for now it is still in its infant stage and there is a lot of work ahead.


Though this project isn’t normally something that would come from the judge program me(a few other judges) have agreed that it is probably worth a try since that helping the community and creating good community event that engage players, new and old, is likely worth the work and it might also help us bring the community even closer to their respective judges .


File Name Uploaded By Date/Time Visibility
Project goals(short term & long term) Alexander Buchberg Nørskov Sørensen May 15, 2015, 9:40 a.m. Public

Project Members

Name Level Location Role
Alexander Buchberg Nørskov Sørensen Uncertified Europe - North Admin
Christopher Bennett Uncertified USA - Midatlantic Member
Uri Hershkovitz Uncertified Europe - East Member
Luke May Uncertified United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Member
Callum McFadyen Uncertified Australia and New Zealand Member
Benjamin Purkiss Uncertified USA - Pacific West Member
Kerry Southgate Uncertified Iberia Member
Chee Keong Tan Uncertified Asia Member
Ricardo Teixeira Uncertified Iberia Member