Crash Courses

We aim to create a collection of small courses, each dedicated to tackle one of the more difficult rules areas

Project Manager: Alexander Papageorgiou
Public: Yes
Looking For: Judges with energy and passion!

Project Description

The purpose of this project is to create tools for people who struggle with specific areas in the rules: the continuous effects' layers, replacement effects, copying objects and so on...

The courses should make a difficult area in the rules easier to understand by explaining the rules, showing examples and letting judges to test themselves in that specific area. As opposed to regular teaching, this project doesn't teach and then tests, but lets the students test themselves and then take lessons where they feel they have weak spots.

Our main goal is to make any judge who takes a course into an expert in that area by letting them answer full tests (30-50 questions) on a single topic, hopefully touching each and every corner case, without having to go through hundreds or thousands of unrelated questions to amass this many questions on the desired topic.

Project Members

Name Level Location Role
Alexander Papageorgiou Uncertified Europe - East Admin
Yuval Tzur Level 1 (International Judge Program) Europe - East Admin
Felix Ramon Capule III Uncertified Asia Member
Alon Luski Level 1 (International Judge Program) Europe - East Member
David Shor Level 1 (International Judge Program) Europe - East Member