Judge Helpline

A Projekt helping judges with judge- and program-related problems

Project Manager: Philip Ockelmann
Public: Yes

Project Description

The Judge Helpline is a Project that aims to listen to judges and their questions and problems concerning judging and the program, in the form of private 1 on 1 chats that are held confidential from the project-side and anonymous from the participants side if wished.

The Project is currently only active in the german-speaking countries, but if this intrigues you, feel free to send a message to the Project manager to help you implement it in your region.

Project Members

Name Level Location Role
Philip Ockelmann Level 4 (International Judge Program) German-speaking countries Admin
Nicole Weber Level 1 (International Judge Program) German-speaking countries Admin
Philip Böhm Uncertified German-speaking countries Member
Konrad Eibl Level 3 (International Judge Program) German-speaking countries Member
Michael Wiese Level 1 (International Judge Program) German-speaking countries Member