New Set Quizlet

A set of basic, straightforward rules/policy questions that are released near every new set

Project Manager: Louis Fernandes
Public: Yes

Project Description

This project aims to provide an untimed, consequence-free quiz that covers the new cards, mechanics, and rules changes that occur at each set release. These "quizlets" differ from the standard judge quizzes in that they are targeted only towards the most recent changes; whereas a standard judge exam might have cards from all of Standard, these quizzes only deal with the new cards. We aim to have this quiz available the Friday before the prerelease.


Old quizzes (Note: These are not maintained for rules or policy updates, and so should be taken as potentially deadly historical artifacts):

Hour of Devastation

Hour of Devastation en français

Hour of Devastation en español



Aether Revolt


Project Members

Name Level Location Role
David Delgado Level 2 (Judge Academy) USA - Southwest Admin
Louis Fernandes Uncertified USA - Central Admin
Vicente Davis Level 2 (Judge Academy) USA - Southwest Member
Gilles Demarle Level 2 (Judge Academy) France Member
Jeremy Fain Level 2 (Judge Academy) USA - Northeast Member
Daniel Lee Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - Southwest Member
John Mills Uncertified USA - Southwest Member
Sophie Pages Level 3 (International Judge Program) France Member
Jorge Pinto Uncertified Hispanic America - South Member