The Multiverse Project

The Multiverse project is a diversity project focused on publishing article about featured Magic enthusiasts from minority groups to show the difficulties they had or still have from their point of view.

Project Manager: Jeremie Granat
Public: Yes
Looking For: publisher, writer, interviewer, translators

Project Description

The Multiverse project is a diversity project focused on publishing featured judges and players from minority groups to show the difficulties they had or still have from their point of view.

Most people in Magic, be that judges, players or tournament organisers cannot empathize with most of the people that are not like them, be it because of their different background, gender identity (or lack thereof), color or sexual preferences. The problem is not that they don't want to but rather that, as they have never experienced the things some minorities are subjected to every day, they have no frame of reference and thus, can't really grasp the problems a small joke or a comment might generate.

The goal of this project is to find judges, players and tournament organizers from minority groups who are willing to tell us their stories about how they live their lives in the magic communities, the problems they faced and/or are still facing and what they would like the community to adopt from their point of view. We would then create a recurring publication featuring one person in regular intervals.

The general idea is not to enforce a change in behavior but to generate awareness of what others are facing and what they have to overcome. Of course, we hope the articles will generate mutual understanding and bring a change in behavior but we are not here to enforce anything, just to improve awareness.

We are looking for interviewers who are highly empathic to situations outside their own personal experiences as well as writers who will be able to stay true to the message the interviewee tried to express. We might also be looking for translators to create copies in local languages for a higher reach degree.

Current goal:

Contact me if you would like to be part of this awesome project :)


Project Members

Name Level Location Role
Jeremie Granat Level 2 (International Judge Program) German-speaking countries Admin
Riva Arecol Uncertified USA - Northeast Member
Katie Bishop Uncertified USA - Northeast Member
Julie Bouchonville Uncertified France Member
Felix Ramon Capule III Uncertified Asia Member
Linda Detwiler Uncertified USA - South Central Member
Isa Flues Uncertified German-speaking countries Member
Elise Franchi Uncertified None Member
Vuk Gavrilović Uncertified Italy and Malta Member
Monica Gonzalez Level 4 (International Judge Program) Iberia Member
Victoria McCoy Uncertified USA - South Central Member
Violet Moon Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Member
Raoul Mowatt Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Great Lakes Member
Edna Murcia Uncertified Latin America Member
Torrance PeLong Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Member
helquer sales Uncertified Brazil Member
Chuanjie Seow Uncertified Asia Member
Riccardo Tessitori Level 5 (International Judge Program) Italy and Malta Member
Charles-Henri Turpin Uncertified France Member
Alexandra Yang Uncertified USA - Northeast Member
Antonio Zanutto Level 2 (International Judge Program) Brazil Member