Nordic Judges Swag team

Project dedicated to designing and distribution of a regional shirt and other things.

Project Manager: Anton Räntilä
Public: Yes
Alignment: Regional Project - Europe - North
(Lead: )
Looking For: Shirt designer, other volunteers

Project Description

Things that need to be done

- Design a shirt

- Look at options for a supplier(Prizes, design etc)
- Ordering and distribution to judges.


I'm thinking a skype/discord meeting are in order so we can discuss this abit more. After GP Utrecht, i (Anton) will try and organize this.

If anyone has pictures of other regional shirts, please upload them for inspiration.

Project Members

Name Level Location Role
Anton Räntilä Uncertified Europe - North Admin
Stian Buch Larsen Uncertified Europe - North Member
Espen Skarsbø Olsen Uncertified Europe - North Member