Alter Education Project

Project aimed at educating judges and players regarding alter legality.

Project Manager: Andrea Wallace
Public: Yes
Looking For: Judges and/or alterists very familiar with the policy on alters and comfortable implementing it.

Project Description

The data from a survey of 350+ judges and corresponding, soon-to-be released, article by Andrea Wallace, L2,  has shed light on the shockingly low agreement between judges on the legality of card alterations.  While the MTR provides guidelines for card approval, judges often rely heavily on Head Judge discretion due to the vague policy in this area.  Because of this, there is a lack of consistency in the experience that players have when attempting to have alters approved.  In light of this, we're aiming to create a living reference to discuss why some alters should or should not be approved. Through this project, we would allow players and judges to submit alters they are unsure about which would provide material for discussion.  While its not possible to address every alter, creating a community of collaboration and subsuquent dialogue can hopefully provide education to judges and improve player experience.


Project Members

Name Level Location Role
Jessica Livingston Uncertified USA - Southwest Admin
Andrea Wallace Uncertified USA - Southwest Admin
Jess Dunks Uncertified USA - Southeast Member
Riki Hayashi Uncertified USA - Midatlantic Member
Matthew Johnson Level 3 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Member
Luca Romano Level 2 (International Judge Program) Italy and Malta Member