Populating Judge Apps with questions

We have the database from judge center for all easy, hard and policy practice questions and we want to convert all of them to judge center.

Project Manager: Antonio Zanutto
Public: Yes
Alignment: Sphere Project - Judge Levels
(Lead: Alfonso Bueno )

Project Description

Right now we have a bunch of PDF files with all the questions from Judge Center. Our task is to put all those questions into Judge Apps!

Okay, how do we do it? As of this moment, I don't have a brilliant idea that goes beyond copy/paste (if you do, stop us!). For each question we should copy it from the PDF, paste the question, answers and explanation into judge apps. After that comes editing. We should replace every instance of Anita for [AP], Nalia for [NAP], he for [AP he] (or [NAP he]), she for [AP he], him for [AP him] and so on. Be aware that you don't have to worry about gender, our platform does that automatically. For card names, we should use [[Glory Seeker]]. After that, we should insert tags (like "combat", "lifelink", "replacement effects", "easy", etc). And finally, pay attention! Some of those questions are outdated, rules have changed and the questions have not, be aware that you are inserting a question that reflects the current rules we have in place, if necessary, you can update the question.

The link to add questions is https://apps.magicjudges.org/exams/edit_question/add/6

Make sure you read the instructions on how to add questions and you fill all the blank spaces :)

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask.

Project Members

Name Level Location Role
Dan Collins Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - Northeast Admin
Louis Fernandes Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Admin
Antonio Zanutto Level 2 (International Judge Program) Brazil Admin
Christian Aguilar Level 1 (International Judge Program) USA - Northeast Member
Christian Genz Level 2 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Member
Naiyan Lima Level 2 (International Judge Program) Brazil Member
Paulo Jose Meira da Silva Level 1 (International Judge Program) Brazil Member
Joaquín Ossandón Level 2 (International Judge Program) Latin America Member
Zhenia Starodiedov Uncertified Europe - Central Member
Jaspa Stritt Uncertified United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Member
Phillip Wulfridge Uncertified USA - Midatlantic Member
Herbert Zurita Level 2 (International Judge Program) Latin America Member