SEA Regional Blog page

The project aims to highlight the judges of SE Asia and the community....

Project Manager: Felix Ramon Capule III
Public: Yes

Project Description

The project aims to highlight the judges of SE Asia and the community....

This project would also be utilized to manage, create, discuss and publish

content on our regional blog. 

Currently the project needs: 




* if you're from the region and would like to be part of this, please send me an email me, thanks



Project Members

Name Level Location Role
Felix Ramon Capule III Uncertified Asia Admin
Sugeng Hartawan Level 2 (International Judge Program) Asia Member
Shanin Paisalachpong Level 1 (International Judge Program) Asia Member
Chuanjie Seow Uncertified Asia Member
Zie Aun Tan Level 1 (International Judge Program) Asia Member