S.E.A Community Building

Project to control a progress in community building around South East Asia Region

Project Manager: Wendra Djati Kamadjaja
Public: Yes

Project Description

Currently we need to run judge meet up new sets update consistently and have more judges to attend the new sets update. 

First, we need to find the problem or causes why judges won’t/can’t attend the meetings.

Second, we need an idea to make judge meetings more interesting and attract more judges or even players 

Third, Educate judges among our local area that important to keep updating about rules and active in judge community



Project Members

Name Level Location Role
Wearn Chong Uncertified Asia Admin
Wendra Djati Kamadjaja Level 3 (International Judge Program) Asia Admin
Joel Bantiles Uncertified Asia Member
Khang Jong Kuan Uncertified Asia Member
Monsuporn Lauhaphand Level 2 (International Judge Program) Asia Member
Kwok Siang Neo Uncertified Asia Member